We woke up on Wednesday morning in Barre,VT. Not a very significant little town until we drove south to Sharon, VT and we read the plaques at the Joseph Smith’s birthplace. The impressive monument that was cut from a granite quarry came from Barre, VT. Pres. Joseph F. Smith had a general authority, Wells, oversee the monument, commemorating 100th anniversary of Joseph Smith’s Dec. 5th birthday.
We couldn’t help but notice all the devastation from the Hurricane Irene. VT was hit very hard which was very unusual for this area. We continued our drive to Boston,MA for lunch. We shared a Yankee pot roast sandwich and of course, a Boston cream individual pie. After lunch we toured historic Concord, MA. Sleepy Hollow Cemetary, Minute Men Monument, Louisa May Alcott’s Home, Walden’s Pond, Lexington, MA where the minute men headquarters were in the Buckman Tavern (build in 1709) Laurie and I really enjoyed our tour at Louisa May Alcott’s home where 80 percent of the house is original and built in 1750. Her family moved to this house in 1858. We could not believe the home was over 100 years old when they moved in.
Where is WALDO? I was just reading you blog out loud to Brandon, and he said; "sounds neat". What a wonderful adventure. And so smart to be blogging as you go. Oh-ya BONZI say's HI!!!!! He is a good little dog. He hasnt even run away this stay!!! Love you.
did you take a walk down the road lined with tree. Oh I would love to that is so cool! Sleepy Hollow cemetary fun! I can't believe how old all those places are and very neat that 80 percent is original.
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