Sunday, November 30, 2008

"One Potato" Thanksgiving

We had a quiet Thanksgiving this year since all our children were at their in-laws for dinner.
Verne thought we would only need one potato for our small dinner, I just didn't know it would be the size of a football. So this was our "one potato" Thanksgiving. We had fun keeping up Brandon's tradition of going bowling, oh did I mention he couldn't come because he was working? It was fun and this year MaryLeigh threw a few balls too. One went very slow down the neighbors lane and had to be retrieved by "Big Al" So fun

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween is here BOOOOOOO!

We had a great time at Lindsi and Casey's for Halloween. All the kids and grandkids were there except Heidi's clan. They were really wired. We had a really good chili and mud pie for dinner. Of course we can not forget all the goons and goblins. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

October is gone

This is the most beautiful October I have ever seen in Vancouver. The trees have been electric, just glowing with beauty. We have been busy re landscaping the yard. It seems there is always a new project to do.