Tuesday, September 20, 2011

History, Barns, and the SUGAR SHACK

 day5 002 Tuesday we woke up and headed to “Fort Ticonderoga” in New York.   We crossed from VT to NY on a ferry across the Lake Champlain, it took about 6 minutes.   One house at the crossing was made from rocks scavenged at the fort after about 1900.day5 003 day5 005 day5 010 In the fort we learned about the history of the fort and the revolutionary war.  day5 011 day5 016 day5 022 day5 023We sawday5 027  a reenactment of the soldiers how they loaded the muskets, how they stood in lock position as they shot.   That means three soldiers stood together one behind the other, one would be down to shoot, the next would stand behind with his foot touching the back foot of the first one, the third also was standing and leaning out away from the second and touching his shoulder with his raise elbow.   All the men were locked together so they would know exactly were everyone was.    After a couple of hours we got a burger and headed EAST.  We couldn’t resist an apple farm and a maple (pure maple) ice cream cone called a CREAMY.   Back on the road we past a house we thought was the scary house from the show PHYCO (in the 1960’s)   day5 029day5 030 day5 031 Through the middle of the state of VT to see some maple SUGAR SHACKS.day5 035 Verne, again, couldn’t resist climbing on a tractor and noticing the rural beauty of old barns and just imagining the possibilities of  the things that could be stored in them.day5 038 day5 042 day5 043 day5 044 day5 047 day5 048We are really looking forward to our ride to Sharon,VT tomorrow.  The birthplace of the Prophet Joseph Smith.   His family couldn’t have lived in a more beautiful area.   We will have a wonderful Wednesday!!!


Hill Family said...

Looks like you guys are seeing so many neat places. The buildings are so amazing, and beautiful.

Heidi said...

so she beat me today! I love the huge cornucopia very cool. The maple icecream I bet was so good. I want some. So that wasn't the house from Psycho cause it totally looks like it. Can't wait for more pics and stories!