Monday, September 19, 2011

“FA” a long, long way to go. . .


day4 001 Sunday morning we had a local breakfast and ferried back to the mainland.   We got in the car and began our 9 hour road trip from Rockland, ME to Stowe, VT.  As we passed through New Hampshire we took some pictures in Conway, NH at some covered bridges.   We also passed Mt. Washington (in New Hampshire) and the beautiful hotel.  Because New England is know for its beautiful granite, we stopped by the wayside and took pictures of water falling down the granite mountains.   A few miles from Stowe we stopped and had pizza We arrived at 10:00 p.m. and planned our Monday in Stowe, VT.    

We had to start on the gondola that went up Mansfield Mt. ski resort.    When we got to the top the view below was breathtaking.   The only thing that would have made it better was if the view below was with the leaves in their fall colors.      Not far from the gondola we drove to the famous “Von Trapp” Lodge.    The family settled in Stowe, VT after they were driven out of Austria in 1938.    This family was made famous to American’s afterday4 002the movie “The Sound of Music”  told their story.    We went to the bakery on the property and ate a “STRUDEL” We got back into the car and sang “The Hill’s are Alive with the Sound of Music”    We all enjoyed a European moment.  We visited an apple juice farm (Verne couldn’t resist the tractor.)   We also visited Cabot Creamery and sampled lots of cheese .    We ended the tour with the Ben and Jerry’s ice cream factory.   Verne was not happy that of all the hundreds of flavors they have our free sample was “mint chocolate chip” He made it up to himself and ordered a yummy ice cream cone of his choice.   We filled the day with everything we wanted to do so we headed to Burlington, VT (our next stay)     We ate at a very nice restaurant and had fabulous “clam chowder” and “lobster”.          Tomorrow we will be in New York for a short while.       day4 006 day4 011 day4 016 day4 020 day4 023 day4 025 day4 037 day4 045 day4 048 day4 055 day4 058 day4 062 day4 069 day4 071 day4 072 day4 079 day4 082 day4 083 day4 084 day4 089 day4 093 day4 097 day4 100 

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1 comment:

Heidi said...

a ha! I beat Callie!!! I hope you recorded you guys singing the Hills are alive!! That sounds hilarious. I love the dorky tractor. The town and buildings are very cool and all the open fields beautiful. I didn't know you were going to so many different places that is awesome.