Friday, September 16, 2011

From Portland to Portland

We left the Portland Oregon airport at 7am and landed in Boston at 7 pm. Very long flight. We had a lay over in Chicago for about 2 hours. We had a huge rice crispy treat. It reminded us of Rosco's at the family  reunion. We met our friends daughter, Christina, who lives in Boston and she loaned us her pass through card. The card gets us through all the tolls on the roads without stopping. We will have to reimburse her when we are done.
We got a rental car and left Boston, drove for 2 more hours and arrived in Portland Maine. We ate Lobster rolls at Sebago's. Very good.


Hill Family said...

Wow!!! You are on top if it. Those rice crispy treats look so yummy!! I want one that big. Looks lik the trip is no its way have a great time!! Love you guys!!

Heidi said...

I thought you said it was a big rice crispy treat? Are you leaning on that girl behind you back? funny! Looks like it's off to a good start.