Sunday, October 31, 2010

Vancouver and Beyond

  We had a beautiful Fall and it was very warm.       Evelyn is always looking for a photo op.    In the middle of the month I went to Boise to see Mom.    She went to a House that welcomes adults with care needs.    It’s a beautiful house.    She feels so much better Knowing there is some to help her.    I stayed with my brother Brian and sister-in-law Kay.    





I flew from Boise to SLC and Verne met me there to spend Halloween with the James’  family.      When I arrived, Heidi had just finished a party with Cohen and True and their friends.   It was a spooky treasure hunt, and cotton candy.    I couldn’t resist getting the kids some BSU clothes.   True makes a cute cheer leader and the boys have another shirt and a sweatshirt.    We were so excited to go with the kids “Trick or Treating”   It was cold and wet.   We were going to go to “Frightmares” at Lagoon but it was rainy and cold.   During a sun break we stopped at Wonderbread and got some day old bread to feed the ducks and geese.   That’s always a good time in Roy, UT.   On Sat. the 30th, Heidi and Ryan’s church bldg. had a “Trunk or Treat”  the whole family dressed up and after seeing all their friends in their costumes we took them around to there neighbors for even more CANDY.      Of course we started the evening with “Dinner in a Pumpkin”   YUM.   Most of the time the men were finding more things they can do with their computers.   “So much information, So little time”    We had a blast!!!!!!!




Saturday, October 16, 2010

Fall Planting

It is time to plant more arbivitae. I had two good helpers. Porter and Nathan worked hard, and saved me time. I can see they will be even more help as they grow.   I happened to have two popsicles from the summer.  It was a very hot Oct.!!!Arbivitae planting 006 Arbivitae planting 001 Arbivitae planting 002   Arbivitae planting 005 Arbivitae planting 004 Arbivitae planting 003

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Barn pumpkin carving party

Olivias bday 101 Olivias bday 068 Olivias bday 070 Olivias bday 071 copy Olivias bday 072 Olivias bday 075 Olivias bday 082 Olivias bday 096 copy The family, minus Heidi, Ryan and grandkids, converged at the May barn for harvest activities.

Of course there was the expected screaming and crying, until the donuts were unvieled.

Menu was bean dip, cider from Joe’s Place, veggies, and lots of donuts.

Then the carving started. It gets better every year

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