Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Strawberry Jelly Time

Grandma decided to make strawberry jam for all of the kids this year. They went to Joe’s Place for the berries and then to Lindsi’s to make the jam. The kids all helped and had fun learning how to make jam. (Everybody loves peanut butter jelly time!) They are exceptionally good this year.P1000444P1000446P1000447P1000450P1000452P1000454P1000455P1000456


Thursday, June 9, 2011

Verne May reunion 2011 Sunriver

June was very fun, Callie had the idea to go to Sunriver, OR and the theme was “SURVIVOR”    We rode our bikes to “GOODIES”   We played SURVIVOR games.   We went fishing and the kids had a blast!!!   We looked in a Sunriver magazine and there was a picture of MaryLeigh fishing from last year.   TOO CUTE.   Each of the families took a night or morning for preparing food that was better than any restaurant we could have gone to.   YUM!!    On the last night we had a talent show and all the kids loved showing their dancing and singing and juggling skills.  We were so excited that Heidi and Ryan could meet us there, to make the weekend complete!!!  005008014015016017023024027028029030032041048050053061068073077080084                                                 We had lots of fun playing Survivor games.                      096                        101108128131031157175177183188191195201203206213215216224230231237249255