Saturday, August 31, 2013

Labor Day Mexican Fiesta


The Labor Day weekend started on Saturday when the kids would not go home until we feed them. So it was corn on the cob and tomatoes for everyone.

On Monday we had the Dyers, Lachers, Sister Missionaries, and Callies friend/ neighbor Danielle and family over for a Mexican Fiesta.

We got Carna Asada from Top Choice Meat Market, 4 inch tortillas and fresh salsa and corn from the garden. Then finished to glutinous event with strawberry rhubarb pie, brownies and homemade ice cream.

It was fun……………………….



Sunday, August 25, 2013

Swan Island Grandkids Day


The weekend of Aug. 23rd – 24th was very eventful.  Friday at about 12:00 noon Lindsi and Casey left for “Hood to Coast Relay”  I watch the kids.  That evening we bought pizza for them and took it over to Lacher’s.   We went to Skamania Lodge, on the Columbia River, for their fabulous Seafood Buffet.  We were celebrating Logan’s 30th B-day.  Keep running Lindsi and Casey we will eat for the two of you.

htc 2013lindsi H to C 2013


Logan and Ashley wanted to have a little “alone time” on the day of Logan’s b-day so we took on their three boys, along with the 4 Baldwin kids.   Cousins love to be together.   Let’s go to the Dahlia Farm!!!   OK, let’s take all 7 of the kids!!  OK!!! 

dahlia show 2013 011dahlia show 2013 013Nothing is more fun than sticking fingers in the Koi fishes mouth.  Forget the flowers.   Of course, the kids were all hungry!!   dahlia show 2013 015dahlia show 2013 016dahlia show 2013 018dahlia show 2013 019dahlia show 2013 023dahlia show 2013 024dahlia show 2013 025A little break at the band tent.   The only one dancing was Bentley!!!   He was rockin his stroller and so happy.dahlia show 2013 026dahlia show 2013 027dahlia show 2013 028dahlia show 2013 030I told Brooklyn and Olivia this was a sample of what they will be seeing next week at the “Taylor Swift Concert”   They are both so excited to see her.   They got ticket for Christmas 2012 and have been waiting patiently.  Baylor asked,  “Is this where all bands go”  dahlia show 2013 033dahlia show 2013 034dahlia show 2013 047dahlia show 2013 048

Saturday, August 24, 2013

History lesson 14316 se 23rd. cir.


The first pictures are of our property before we developed it , and as the road was being put in. I must say, we are taking better care of it than the Lord did. 1985.

The other photos are of Verne, (me), in 1964 in my Grandpa and Grandma Mays house, 1510 Columbus, Boise, Idaho. I am playing with my cat Meower.

The other photos are of Rusty’s Love right after we got him. He is sooooo small. I think Callie is holding him.



Saturday, August 17, 2013

Lacamas Creek bike ride

Callie called and asked if we wanted to go on a bike ride down in camas, along  Lacamas Creek. Mom and I were not feeling it, since we just returned from the river trip. But then reconsidered after contemplating just sitting at home. So here we go on another adventure……..we finished the adventure with burgers and ice cream at Top Burger in Camas. It is right across the street from Camas Park, where we got our Merry Go Round.


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