Monday, April 16, 2012

Maori villages, Hangi’s, in Rotorua


Sunday morning in Rotorua we went to a Maori village with the longest name.    I don’t know how to pronounce it but you can see how it’s spelled.     As you leave the village the archway says        “thank you for gracing our village”     The guide talked about the Maori history and life.   As you greet each other the Hello is “Kia Ora” 


day 11 nz 001day 11 nz 002day 11 nz 032day 11 nz 029As we crossed over the bridge we were told of the village custom for the young boys to dive for coins that are thrown in by the visitors.   The one boy told us he makes about 50.00 a day. day 11 nz 003day 11 nz 006day 11 nz 007day 11 nz 011day 11 nz 012The building is call a Marae (Ma – rie) it is their ceremonial building and all parts of the bldg. represent parts of the body.   The N.Z. and Maori words have been fun to learn.    Flip flops are called (Jandals)  the bathroom is called (dunny)  day 11 nz 013The village is surrounded by geysers and steam.   Our guide told us that some of the steam vents have appeared within the last few years.    She said, “ if I run, you run too.” day 11 nz 014day 11 nz 017The dancers were great and after the tour they showed us how to make the skirts out of ,N.Z. flax.    Very labor intensive.   The men stick out their tongues to scare off the enemy and the women open their eyes wide to do the same.   WOW day 11 nz 019day 11 nz 024day 11 nz 021day 11 nz 027day 11 nz 030The tour was over and they served us corn on the cob (in season)    As you can see they use the pools to cook the corn.    Other food is put in pots and heated in steam vent covered with 11 nz 038day 11 nz 039day 11 nz 041day 11 nz 042We also saw their bath house or area, and the whole village has access to this “hot tub” day 11 nz 043day 11 nz 045day 11 nz 047day 11 nz 052The evening was concluded with our bus ride to another village where they cooked a “Hangi”  roasted food underground with heated rocks.  Hawaiian’s call it a “Luau”  day 11 nz 053day 11 nz 056day 11 nz 057day 11 nz 058day 11 nz 060day 11 nz 062day 11 nz 064day 11 nz 066day 11 nz 067day 11 nz 068day 11 nz 069day 11 nz 070day 11 nz 071day 11 nz 073day 11 nz 074day 11 nz 075day 11 nz 077The food was so yummy and the night was 11 nz 079day 11 nz 086day 11 nz 087day 11 nz 088day 11 nz 090day 11 nz 092day 11 nz 093day 11 nz 094PAVLOVA for dessert and we ended the night playing with cards that Sheryl bought in town.   The card game 11 nz 095day 11 nz 097

1 comment:

Heidi said...

I would have wanted to go swim and dive for coins. How fun. The dinner and entertainment looks way fun.