Thursday, April 5, 2012

Touch Down Under


nz auckland 2012 100 - Copynz auckland 2012 101nz auckland 2012 103nz auckland 2012 104nz auckland 2012 107nz auckland 2012 106     After 15 hours in the air, we arrived in NEW ZEALAND!    At the Airport Verne had to eat a “meat pie”   Yum it was quite good.   Weather was tropical and sunny.   It is Fall in NZ and they are enjoying their garden and late summer flowers it is beautiful.    We got  on the “off and On” bus and drove all over the town of Auckland.   We stopped at the museum and saw lots of Maori artifacts.    Sheryl met us at the airport and went with us all over the city.     Our next stop was the Skytower it is the famous tower that people bungi off and we saw some people do just that.    We went up in the observatory and then to the restaurant.   We thought of Heidi and the time we went to San Antonio, TX and had dinner in the “Hemisphere” Wasn’t that fun?  We are heading North to see the historic treaty grounds of New Zealand.   Lots of stores are closed today since it is good Friday, Rick thinks everything is closed because it’s his birthday!!!     See you soon.  



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Hill Family said...

You are on the ball!! The weather looks nicer than it is here. And you are already out seeing so many great places, so fun. -Callie

Rebecca said...

I wish I was flat stanley. Fold me up and take me with you all. What is that weird bird?

Also, that missionary picture looks a lot like Logan!

Heidi said...

How exciting what's with the paper doll? Is that like your gnome that I will see in more pictures to come? I thought you were going to say it reminded you of me in San Antonio cause some one pulled a stomach muscle and needed help in and out of everything. haha good times