Friday, August 17, 2012

The Corn is on, where are the Tomatoes?

Black SheepThe record high temperature was broken today. SunIt was 101 degrees.Wilted rose After mowing the lawn, it was swimming until 6 pm. Callie made dinner.Plate We had fresh corn, cucumbers, and orange beets………um….good. he corn is just starting to ripen.

2012-08-16 Corn 8-15-12 0012012-08-16 Corn 8-15-12 0042012-08-16 Corn 8-15-12 0052012-08-16 Corn 8-15-12 0062012-08-16 Corn 8-15-12 0092012-08-16 Corn 8-15-12 0102012-08-16 Corn 8-15-12 0112012-08-16 Corn 8-15-12 014


Mr. James said...

is that Bishop may with his shirt off? Don't eat all my corn. mom

Mr. James said...

Is that bishop May without a shirt on? Don't eat all my corn. MOM