Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve 2012

12-24-12-076112-24-12-0781Christmas eve started about 4:30 p.m. with a dinner of Roast, cheesy potatoes, 7 layer salad, 12 layer jello, and rolls.   The grandchildren were so excited to get their costumes on for the nativity.   We rehearsed  their parts and they were ready.   Bentley was a perfect babe in the manger.   I think he enjoyed all the kids looking at him and making him smile.  Brooklyn, memorized her part and she even played the guitar and sang a Christmas  song. 12-24-12-079112-24-12-080112-24-12-084112-24-12-086112-24-12-087112-24-12-088112-24-12-090112-24-12-0921We watch our lip sync movies after and a couple were kinda scary.   Callie and Brandon found snow for them to film,   Lindsey and Casey did a twilight zone episode to give us quite a thrill,  Logan and Ashley did a rock band and the three boys were naturals at the singing.   Heidi and Ryan did a boglin skit, even their own kids were a little scared. (poor Avin)  Then they thrilled us with their special effect expertise.   “Miracle”   Verne and Lori did a memory spot and had Cody and Evelyn lend us their voices for our parts.   We really had fun.




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