Saturday, February 6, 2010

Two weeks of non stop action………..for Mom.

Pinewood Derby ward party, by Callie: Last night at the stake Center…………….

Our twenty year old cars still gave everyone a run for their money…. in fact Lindsi’s car came in second. It was alot of fun for everyone.


 059 060   063 073  058 065 068 070Oliver took best car design…………… 072 Porter had more graphite on him than the cars.062061 064

Fabulously fast trip to Boise and Home of the Royals, Roy Utah:

007 009

5 minutes from Heidi and Ryan’s to the Transit station ,and we are sledding……..the kids loved it.

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This is where all the green goes, if you get my drift…….Tai-Pan. Can’t go to Utah and miss it…….

   028 029 I made Heidi very tired…shopping is work! 021

World Famous dive, as seen on the food network…''Burger Bar"

Now that is a shake!


Heidi and Cohen pick up Grandpa’s birthday present…think he can handle it?

 040 041

Our tax dollars at work…..afternoon on the “Frontrunner”

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And we still had time to make a beautiful dress for True to wear on Sunday…… she likes it.

055 057


Nicole said...

Gotta love Tai Pan!

Heidi said...

what a blast!!! It was so much fun! Looks like a good stake party. Wish I could have been there to beat everyone hahahah just kidding.