Sunday, February 14, 2010

Brooklyn’s Big Day

From blessing to baptism, oh how time flies!!  We are going to Baldwin’s for dinner and then to the church.  Brooklyn will never forget this day and a special bonus is, it is Valentines Day. 

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On Sat. Feb. 13th Verne and I went to the Yard and Patio Show in Portland.  Lots of great ideas but it mainly gets us excited for Spring and yard work.  3 blueberry plants, a couple of baskets, and Verne loves balsamic vinegar… a $30.00 bottle of 25 year old unbelievably sweet!!!!


Heidi didn’t believe that our daffodils were blooming, so I took some pictures.  Our Daphne, hellebores, and forsythia make it look like Spring has sprung. 

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The boys wanted a “boys night out”  Porter and Nathan came over on Feb. 11th for hot tub time and root beer floats.   In the morning Grandpa made sourdough pancakes.  A fun time was had by all… and “Bob’s your uncle” 

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Hill Family said...

Porter always loves a "slumber night" at Grandpa & Grandmas house. He gets to do all his favorite things!!!!

Heidi said...

How cute I remember she is such a cutie. There's still a little snow in our yard. I can't wait till spring.

Rose said...

It seem like yesterday...Heidi and I sitting at that kitchen counter eating ice cream. I can't believe its Grandkids sitting there now. How time flies.

Lindsi said...

Nathan sure has fun on his slumber nights! Brooklyn's baptism when so smoothly (the things I had control over at least.)Thanks for all your help.

Rebecca said...

Nothing beats Verne's sourdough pancakes in the morning. Brooklyn's baptism was so wonderful. Your grandkids are so beautiful.