From blessing to baptism, oh how time flies!! We are going to Baldwin’s for dinner and then to the church. Brooklyn will never forget this day and a special bonus is, it is Valentines Day.
On Sat. Feb. 13th Verne and I went to the Yard and Patio Show in Portland. Lots of great ideas but it mainly gets us excited for Spring and yard work. 3 blueberry plants, a couple of baskets, and Verne loves balsamic vinegar… a $30.00 bottle of 25 year old unbelievably sweet!!!!
Heidi didn’t believe that our daffodils were blooming, so I took some pictures. Our Daphne, hellebores, and forsythia make it look like Spring has sprung.
The boys wanted a “boys night out” Porter and Nathan came over on Feb. 11th for hot tub time and root beer floats. In the morning Grandpa made sourdough pancakes. A fun time was had by all… and “Bob’s your uncle”