Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Amazing at 80

Aug. 7th is grandpa's birthday and the 8th is Grandma's.

Verne and I went to Boise to celebrate!!! Grandpa had been working on his personal life history and has completed it to this point in his life. His immediate children received a copy to read and cherish. We went to a city park and had lunch and played "Grandma and Grandpa trivia", to see who knew them the best. They have really packed a lot of life into their 80 years.

Words to live by... Let the husband make the
wife sorry to see him leave,
and let the wife make the
husband glad to be home.
( Martin Luther)
We had a wonderful visit!!!

1 comment:

Jannie Funster said...

Wow, one of the best family photos I've ever seen, (at the top of the page.)

Yes, i try to make my husband glad to be home. I'll try to work on the "being sad to see him leave part." I do like a bit of me time in the day!