Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Last Day in Charleston

Driving around town past some amazing “antebellum” homes of prominent families of the time. “The Atkins – Rhett Home”P1030151 (2)Verne was interested in a confederate submarine that sank during the civil war.  H. L. Hunley.  The 8 men crew torpedoed a Union ship and sunk to the bottom of the Harbor.  They discovered the sub under 3 feet of sand in 1995. They brought it to the surface in 2005.

With the help of an author, Clive Cussler, money was raised and technology  used 130 years after.  There was quite a ceremony as they brought the 8 crew members to the Magnolia Cemetery. They said, families of only 2 soldiers were located for the ceremony.  P1030153 (2)P1030155 (2)P1030159 (2)P1030160We wanted to see Fort Moultrie. Another very important port in the Charleston Harbor. After W.W. 11 the fort was closed and never used again as a military fort.HunleyP1030162Fort Moultrie  was right across Fort Sumpter in the Harbor. Nice view from Fort Moultrie.P1030170 (2)P1030171 (2)P1030173 (2)P1030175 (2)P1030178 (2)P1030180 (2)The entrance to the fort.

Packing our bags for our flight tomorrow.P1030184 (2)

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