Tuesday, December 24, 2013


12-2013 00212-2013 003Christmas Eve was great.  Craig and his sons and wife, Alicia and their new little baby came for dinner.  This year for the nativity we got Porter to play the part of Samuel the Lamanite  high on a city wall.   He did a great job and all the grandkids help build the wall.  Good job everyone.    Craig and Alicia's baby slept in the manger.   So sweet    12-2013 00412-2013 00512-2013 006This was the first year for Evelyn and Cody to by Mary and Joseph.  They did a beautiful job too.12-2013 008Bonzi made a good sheep for Olivia the shepherd.   Wesley was our first boy angel.  He loved it since he knows that Angel Gabriel and Angel Moroni were both boy angels.    12-2013 00912-2013 01212-2013 01412-2013 01512-2013 016The Sunday after Christmas, Verne had sub sandwiches made for the whole ward.   He wanted to thank all for their dedication to indexing.   The ward reached their goal of doing 1,000,000 names.

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