Saturday, July 20, 2013

Cohen is Eight


Mom and I flew to Roy UT for Cohen's baptism on Thursday evening.

Lindsi, Casey and family arrived on Saturday a couple of hours before the baptism. Cohen was baptized on Saturday the 20th of July 2013. Having Lindsi there,  and Cohen's cousins (lindsi and Casey’s kids) made it even more special.It was a wonderful program. Heidi played her flute. We are so proud of her for keeping her skills on the flute.

Stave and Minnie Whittaker were there also. Heidi’s old neighbors and friends.

Heidi and Mom made raspberry and chocolate ice cream………………….mm good.cohens bapt 001cohens bapt 002cohens bapt 004cohens bapt 005cohens bapt 007cohens bapt 009cohens bapt 010cohens bapt 014cohens bapt 016cohens bapt 017cohens bapt 019cohens bapt 020cohens bapt 021cohens bapt 023cohens bapt 024cohens bapt 025cohens bapt 026

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