Friday, March 1, 2013

A Happy Birthday on the Ship

1 004A fun Dinner and Kurt’s birthday too.   We had a nice day in “Grand Turk” and got cleaned up for dinner.   The evening was starting to get cooler, about 74 degrees. We danced and sang Karaoke.   Alan and Kristin were quite the dancers.  We all were impressed.   Jeff and Robbin were our grand champions of the karaoke!!!   I will remember Robbin’s rendition  of “Somewhere out There”   for the rest of my life.   1 011372364367

Amazing . . . . . . . . .

sunset off the side as we left “Grand Turk”371375376

The waiter brought  a cake for Kurt to blow the candle out.   Great job Kurt.   All the waiters even  got up on the side tables and danced “Gangdom Style”  We had a very fun and active evening.377378

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Looks like you had a blast. Good food