Saturday, June 9, 2012

Caldera Resort Fishing, and Awesome Aquatic Park in Sunriver

Day two and the jig saw puzzle marathon continues. The women finshed a 500 piece puzzle, and decided a bigger one was in order. 1000 pieces and no more. Well it was time to head back to Vancouver and the puzzle was not finished. Callie and I wrapped in in foil and put it on card board so we could take what we had done home. It took Mom and me 4 more nights to finish it. As you can see it is beautiful, and only one piece is 3 sunriver 001 - Copy
day 3 sunriver 052day 3 sunriver 054Saturday it was on to fishing at Caldera Resort. All the grandkids caught fish and had a good time. day 3 sunriver 003 - Copyday 3 sunriver 004 - Copyday 3 sunriver 005 - Copyday 3 sunriver 007 - Copyday 3 sunriver 014 - Copyday 3 sunriver 016 - Copyday 3 sunriver 017 - Copyday 3 sunriver 020 - Copyday 3 sunriver 022 - Copyday 3 sunriver 023 - Copyday 3 sunriver 024 - Copyday 3 sunriver 026day 3 sunriver 030day 3 sunriver 035day 3 sunriver 040day 3 sunriver 041day 3 sunriver 044day 3 sunriver 045day 3 sunriver 051day 3 sunriver 045day 3 sunriver 048We all
  got a free lunch out of the deal.Now lets go tubing...........this is really fun......
day 3 sunriver 077
day 3 sunriver 056day 3 sunriver 060day 3 sunriver 063day 3 sunriver 064day 3 sunriver 065day 3 sunriver 066day 3 sunriver 067day 3 sunriver 068day 3 sunriver 069day 3 sunriver 072
This is the new Aquatic Center in sunriver, 3 sunriver 078day 3 sunriver 079day 3 sunriver 080day 3 sunriver 081

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