Sunday, October 9, 2011

Conference and Olivia’s Baptism


What a great way to start the month of Oct.   Conference was always a good beginning.    The kids came over after the first Sunday session and we had a yummy brunch.   Pres. Monson’s talk “Stand in Holy Places” was good to hear.   He talked about how important it is, where ever we are, to anchor ourselves to the gospel and the teachings of the Lord and we can always be found standing for the right.    The grandkids sang us a song,  “Our prophet has some words for you, and these are the words, be true, be true and stand for the right.”

Olivia was baptized on her “8” birthday.   She looked so beautiful and her mom made the most amazing dress for her.   She is really growing up right before our eyes.   What a nice day!!!

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