Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day 2011

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Spent the day mowing, emptying the sand out of the sand filter on the pool. Put up a bunch of flags…………………looks good. Mom gets home tomorrow at 3 pm. I am going to Lindsi’s tonight for a BBQ. Callie and Logan with families will be there. Should be fun……….was fun……..strawberry-001002005006007009004rhubarb ice-cream…………….mmmmmmmm.


Hill Family said...

WOW you are fast!!!! Great pictures, it was a great BBQ. Also I love all the Flags at your house they look so good!!

Heidi said...

I checked it out looks really nice you put a brick liner on the other side of the driveway? looks nice. Looks like a fun BBQ. I better get my pics up.