Monday, December 22, 2008

About 28 years have past since a snowfall like this. 28 years ago I pulled my kids down the driveway in a wooden milk case. Now my children are pulling my grandchildren down their driveways in recycling bins. This year the weather people are calling this weather situation an "Arctic Blast". We just don't get this cold that often. I'm so glad for global warming. It could be a lot worse.


Lindsi said...

Nice picture of the berries. "Very Nice." I guess I need to think "out of the box" all my pictures are of kids...hmmm...

Lindsi said...

Kay....I just watched the movie. Are you skiing in the yard? I didn't think of that. Now you can cross country ski, without an hour drive each way! Cool!

Heidi said...

That is so awesome. I love the video. I was just thinking I need to purchase some cross country skies so I can go around our neighborhood. You did a good job with the vid. Is that movie maker? Love it. Merry Christmas.Love you guys. You guys look good too.

Rachel said...

I love the cross country ski pictures-your grapes are pretty too!

Amelia said...

You guys have made the best life/family together! Never get old!

The Original TomKat said...

Verne has mastered filming while skiing...the survivorman would be proud!