Wednesday, December 24, 2008

It's Christmas Eve and the snow continues. We now set a record for the most continuous snow since 1967. How could you ask for a more memorable christmas than this. Here is a little movie that I made up of today's fun so far.

Monday, December 22, 2008

About 28 years have past since a snowfall like this. 28 years ago I pulled my kids down the driveway in a wooden milk case. Now my children are pulling my grandchildren down their driveways in recycling bins. This year the weather people are calling this weather situation an "Arctic Blast". We just don't get this cold that often. I'm so glad for global warming. It could be a lot worse.

Friday, December 5, 2008

We thought it would be fun to drive up the Columbia Gorge last weekend, and decided to stop at Hamilton Mt. for a hike. The weather was not too cold and we thought it would be a fun little 2-3 mile outing. We packed our lunch and took the dog (who never gets tired). It was a great afternoon and a beautiful view.

Fall hike