Sunday, July 12, 2009

May Reunion by the River 2009

"Farewell Bend"

We just got back from
Verne's family reunion, and
we had a great time. We
stopped first at "Zion's camp",
where we had Trek, so Verne
could get a garbage can we
left there. It really came in
handy when we picked up ice
and watermellons from Hermiston
that we shared with the FAM. The
can was big enough for lots of ice
and lots of mellons. Baylor got to
stretch his legs and run around.

We arrived in camp and set up our
tents. Logan and family came with
us and got a chance to us their new

Three words, besides fun, to discribe
the weekend...

It's nice to come home to a beautiful
cool day, and see that the Hill's and Baldwin's did
a great job of weeding the garden. Thanx!!!

We had a great time thanks to Perry and Patty!!
They were awesome and planned for a great time.

The weather was a little hot!!! we pitched the tents by a tree and got some shade. The brothers and sisters of Ila and Porter were all at the reunion and some of their kids and grandkids also.

we talked shop, we ate lots of food, laughed, and played games.
Santa Claus made an off season
appearance. HO, HO, HO,

Boy the weekend really made me tired.
Can you count all my mosquito bites?

Baylor had a ball playing with all the kids,
and sleeping in his new tent.

There were 56 people this year who were able to attend.

See you next year when we are planning the reunion and maybe have even more come!!

"We are a happy family"

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Fantastic Flurry of July 4th. Festivities

The day started with Ashley and Lindsi running a half marathon. They both did great.

The Fireworks were completely
Brandon's favorite day of the year was a success.

Lori was MIA. She is in Utah helping with Heidi and Ryan's new addition Avin. I hope they are "Avin" a good time. Poor kid.

Lindsi and Ashley feeling good they are done.

Callie's signature Reese's cookies with a 4th. flair. They were a hit. ALL GONE.

Brooklyn's 4th. contribution. She is always thinking...................... She is really growing up.

Friday, July 3, 2009

A Country Boy will Survive

As soon as we came back from trek Lori jumped on a plane and headed to Roy to help Heidi deliver a new grandson, Avin Verne James. Lots of blonde hair. Looks like another Cohen.

I have been doing my own cooking. And I must say I have been eating well. Just some of my delectables. I made this chocolate chip ice cream and it is sooooooo good. Wish you could taste it. mmmmmmm good.

Onward to Zions Camp

Here are long anticipated photos of our handcart Trek with the Vancouver east stake. Lori and I were the trail masters. We lead them on a four day handcart experience. This was a very emotional experience. You definitely put yourself in a position to get a taste of what our pioneer ancestor's went through.
We had them pull their handcarts up a steep hill with ropes, had all the men conscripted to the Mormon battalion, and had the women pull the carts up a steep hill. It was hard watching them pull all by themselves. But they did it. There were 550 people.
We then crossed a lake on a replica ferry. Very authentic. The youth were great. So was my assistant trail boss.